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Supplementum to the Project "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe" - chemichal analyses of the idiophones

Resource Type: Collection

Chemichal Analyses (Scanning electron microscopy and XRF-analyses) of bells and pellet bells from the Roman and Avar period. The analysed objects are housed in the Wien Museum/Vienna Museum; the Stadtmuseum Wels, the Hungarian National ...

Supplementary material to: Pomberger et al. (2022): "Ancient bells from Ovilava/Wels – First studies"

Resource Type: Text

About 100 references mentioning bells, cymbals and sounding ore in various ancient and late antique texts were found and classified according to their function.

Textile analyses and visiual materials on Avar pellet bells (FWF Project T 1136-G "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe")

Resource Type: Dataset

29 textile fragments adhering on Avar pellet bells from cemeteries in Hungary (Halimba-Belátó-domb, Jánoshida, Keszthely, Kölked-Feketekapu, Pilismarót-Öregek-dűlő, Szob, Keszthely-Városi temető, Gyenesdiás), Slovakia ...

Dataset (rawdata) of the online-listening-study on sounds of metallic idiophones

Resource Type: Dataset

Dataset (rawdata) of the online-listening study on sounds of metallic idiophones.