Supplementum to the Project "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe" - chemichal analyses of the idiophones

Publication date: 06 Jun 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Instrument: JEOL JSM-6610 LV Scanning Electron Microscope
Resource type: Collection
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Bronze Chemichal analyses Copper Lead Metal Muscial instruments Music archaeology Tin Zinc
Countries: Austria, Hungary, Slovakia
Chronology: Archeology


Chemichal Analyses (Scanning electron microscopy and XRF-analyses) of bells and pellet bells from the Roman and Avar period. The analysed objects are housed in the Wien Museum/Vienna Museum; the Stadtmuseum Wels, the Hungarian National Museum Budapest, the Rippl Rónai Museum (Kaposvár), the Balaton Museum (Keszthely), Savaria Museum (Szombathely), the Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern, the Slovak National Museum Bratislava and the Danube Museum in Komárno.  

Usage Notes

Rasterelektronenmikroskop Zeiss EVO 60 XVP/Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS),

Electron dispersive spectrometry (EDS)-analyses and back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging, JEOL JSM-6610LV scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHMW, Austria) Central Research Laboratories/Natural History Museum Vienna

 SPECTRO xSORT Combi type handheld XRF spectrometer/Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth SciencesH-9400 Sopron and Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research Budapest 

 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer DELTA CLASSIC + from Olympus from the USA/ University of Nitra (FPV UKF)


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
FWF Austrian Science Fund Hertha-Firnberg-Programm T 1136-G Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe


Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J., Saunderson K. & Grömer, K. (2021a) Pellet Bells from the Avarian Cemeteries of Komárno. Slovenska archeologia 69.1, 99-131.

Pomberger, B. M.,Sánta, B., Mühlhans, J., Mozgai, V. & Bajnóczi, B. (2021c) Roman bells from Savaria and the Great Migration period pellet bells from Vas County. Savaria 43, 73-120.

Pomberger, B. M., Hackl, M., Wegner, W., & Mühlhans, J. (2022a): Ancient bells from Ovilava/Wels – First studies. Römisches Österreich 45, 127-191.

Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J., Saunderson, K., Mozgai, V. & Bajnóczi, B. (2022b): Pellet bells and bells from the Avar Period in the Hungarian National Museum. Archeometriai Műhely 19.1, 57-90.

Pomberger B. M., Mühlhans, J. & Saunderson, K. (2022c) Metallic idiophones of the Early History Period from the archaeological collection of the Slovakian National Museum in Bratislava. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea – Archeológia 32, 355-378.

 Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J. & Mehofer, M. (2022d): Von römischen Glocken und awarischen Schellen – frühgeschichtliche Idiophone aus Wien. Študijne zvesti Archeologickeho Ustavu Slovenskej Akademie Vied 69.2, 355-406.

Pomberger, B. M., Mühlhans, J., Saunderson, K., Mozgai, V. & Bajnoczi, B. (2023): Pellet bells from the Avar and the Carolingian period in the Keszthely region. Archeometriai Műhely 20.1, 37-64.


File Description Size
BajnocziB_MozgaiV_report_metallic_idiophones_2020.pdf XRF_analyses on Hungarian bells and pellet bells from the Roman and Avar period_Balatonmuseum Keszthely, Hungarian National Museum Budapest, Savaria Museum Szombathely, Rippl-Ronai Museum Kaposvár 4.27 MB
MehoferM_VIAS_REM_Analysen_Buntmetallfunden_Wien Museum_2.pdf Scanning electron microscopy – analyses on Roman and Avar bells and pellet bells from the Wien Museum 43.05 MB
MehoferM_VIAS_REM_Analysen_Buntmetallfunden_WienMuseum_2.pdf Scanning electron microscopy – analyses on Roman and Avar bells and pellet bells from the Wien Museum 43.05 MB
TirpakJ_Odborny_posudok_AM_SNM_Bratislava_a_PM_Komarno_EN.pdf XRF-analyses on Slovak bells and pellet bells from the Avar period, Slovak National Museum Bratislava; Podunajské múzeum Komárne, Institute of Archeology (SAS), Nitra 0.97 MB
WegnerW_2021_Glocken_Wels_Gew_Metallanalysen.xlsx Scanning electron microscopy on Roman bells from the Stadtmuseum Wels 0.1 MB