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Supplementum to the Project "Metallic Idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe" - chemichal analyses of the idiophones

Resource Type: Collection

Chemichal Analyses (Scanning electron microscopy and XRF-analyses) of bells and pellet bells from the Roman and Avar period. The analysed objects are housed in the Wien Museum/Vienna Museum; the Stadtmuseum Wels, the Hungarian National ...

Chemical analyses of Hallstatt jewellery - Supplementum to Pomberger, B. M. - Mühlhans, J., - Grömer, K. "Klingender Trachtschmuck aus dem eisenzeitlicehn Gräberfeld Hallstatt. Analysen und Diskussion zu Funden aus dem Bestand der Prähistorischen Abteilung, NHM Wien.

Resource Type: Dataset

Scanning electron analyses bronze sound objects/jewellry of the Hallstatt necropolis:

Pellet bell from grave 196

fibula of grave 551

ringpendant of grave 449

ringpendant of grave 890