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Results found: 3

MicroCT scan of a prehistoric vase

Resource Type: Dataset

MicroCT (x-ray microcomputed tomography, YXLON FF35 CT) dataset of a prehistoric ceramic vase including marker for registration with other imaging methods. The vase was reconstructed around an original part. The difference between the ...

3D model of a prehistoric vase

Resource Type: Dataset

3D model based on a structured light scan (Artec Space Spider) a prehistoric ceramic vase including marker for registration with other imaging methods. The vase was reconstructed around an original part. The difference between ...

3D model of a bone comb from Hauskirchen grave 13

Resource Type: Dataset

3D scan of a bone comb from Hauskirchen grave 13. The site is located in the northeastern Weinviertel in Austria. Despite its robbery in the past, this grave of an adult woman is one of the richest graves of the Migration Era in ...