MicroCT scan of the skull of a walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). Dataset to Grunstra et al. (2024) "Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear"

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/wr82pu
Publication date: 27 Aug 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: 1. Zoology
Instrument: YXLON FF35 CT
Resource type: Dataset
Specimen: NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Inner ear Knochen Microct Mikroct Skull
Taxa: Carnivora


MicroCT scan of the skull of a walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). This dataset was part of a study on the evolution of the inner ear.

Usage Notes

The skull was scanned in two parts. "skull 2" covers the area of the inner ear that was studied in the related publication by Grunstra et al. (2024).

X-ray tube: FXE Direct Beam

Detector: Perkin Elmer Y.Panel 4343 CT

Exposure time: 1 s for 3060 projections per scan

Voltage: 170 kV

Current: 82 µA

Filter: 1 mm Copper

Reconstructed voxel size: 106.7 µm

The image stack was cropped and converted into a TIF image stack using the software Dragonfly.

This specimen was used in a study on the inner ear (see "Publications") the segmented inner ear data is available here: https://osf.io/9mtwh/


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
FWF Austrian Science Fund P 33736 Evolvabilität des Innen- & Mittelohrs in Vögeln und Säugern


Please cite the following publication when reusing this dataset:Grunstra, NDS, Hollinetz, F, Bravo Morante, G, Zachos, FE, Pfaff, C, Winkler, V, Mitteroecker, P & Le Maître, A. Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear. Nature Communications, in pressGrunstra, Nicole D, Fabian Hollinetz, Guillermo B Morante, Frank Zachos, Cathrin Pfaff, Viola Winkler, Philipp Mitteroecker, and Anne Le Maître. 2024. “Data for ‘Convergent Evolution in Afrotheria and Non-Afrotherians Demonstrates High Evolvability of the Mammalian Inner Ear.’” OSF. August 28. osf.io/9mtwh.


File Description Size
NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036-Odobenus-rosmarus-skull-1_ReconInfos.xml Reconstruction parameters of the first part ("skull 1") of the microCT scan of the walrus skull 0.01 MB
NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036-Odobenus-rosmarus-skull-1_ScanInfos.xml Scan parameters of the first part ("skull 1") of the microCT scan of the walrus skull 0.01 MB
NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036-Odobenus-rosmarus-skull-1_TIF.zip TIF image stack of the microCT scan of the first part ("skull 1") of the walrus skull 22990.33 MB
NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036-Odobenus-rosmarus-skull-2_ReconInfos.xml Reconstruction parameters of the second part ("skull 2") of the microCT scan of the walrus skull 0.01 MB
NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036-Odobenus-rosmarus-skull-2_ScanInfos.xml Scan parameters of the second part ("skull 2") of the microCT scan of the walrus skull 0.01 MB
NHMW-ZOO-MAMM-4036-Odobenus-rosmarus-skull-2_TIF.zip TIF image stack of the microCT scan of the second part ("skull 2") of the walrus skull - this part contains the inner ear. 19441.72 MB



Volume rendering of both parts of the walrus skull aligned.
Volume rendering of both parts of the walrus skull aligned.
Volume rendering of the microCT scan of the first part ("skull 1") of the walrus skull - this part contains the inner ear.
Volume rendering of the microCT scan of the first part ("skull 1") of the walrus skull - this part contains the inner ear.
Volume rendering of the microCT scan of the second part ("skull 2") of the walrus skull.
Volume rendering of the microCT scan of the second part ("skull 2") of the walrus skull.