3D model of a bust of Alberto Fucini

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/sqcbew
Publication date: 31 May 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Archive for the history of science
Instrument: Artec Eva
Resource type: Dataset
Specimen: NHMW-AFW-DING-0003
License: CC BY-NC
CC BY-NC 4.0 International
Tags: 3d model 3dscan 3dscanning Bronze Bust Sculpture
Countries: Europe


3D scan of a bust of the Italian geologist and paleontologist Alberto Fucini (1864 – 1940). The bust is made of bronze, and was patinated in dark grey. The sculpture is mounted on a black marble base.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
BMKÖS – Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport Kulturerbe digital Bausteine des Wissens: das Naturhistorische Museum öffnet seine Sammlungen - Sneak-Preview in 270 Ja


File Description Size
NHMW-AfW-DING003_3D-highres.mtl High resolution 3D model (.MTL) of the bust of Alberto Fucini 0 MB
NHMW-AfW-DING003_3D-highres.obj High resolution 3D model (.OBJ) of the bust of Alberto Fucini 33.99 MB
NHMW-AfW-DING003_3D-highres_1.png High resolution 3D model (.PNG texture) of the bust of Alberto Fucini 7.96 MB
NHMW-AfW-DING003_3D-lowres.mtl Low resolution 3D model (.MTL) of the bust of Alberto Fucini 0 MB
NHMW-AfW-DING003_3D-lowres.obj Low resolution 3D model (.OBJ) of the bust of Alberto Fucini 12.85 MB
NHMW-AfW-DING003_3D-lowres_1.png Low resolution 3D model (.PNG texture) of the bust of Alberto Fucini 3.5 MB



3D model of the bust of Alberto Fucini
3D model of the bust of Alberto Fucini

Bust of Alberto Fucini (NHMW-AFW-DING-0003)