Sound recordings of Roman bells and Early Middle Age pellet bells and bells kept in the Savaria Museum Szombathely. Supplementum to Pomberger/Sánta/Mühlhans/Mozgai/Bajnóczi (2021), Roman bells and the Migration Period pellet bells from Vas County.

Publication date: 01 Dec 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Resource type: Audiovisual
Specimen: SAV-54.712.10., SAV-N.2019.8.11, SAV-K., SAV-R.54.771.31, SAV-R.54.380.13, SAV-R. 54.380.6, SAV-R.54.380.5, SAV-R. 54.380.4, SAV-R.54.380.3, SAV-R. 54.380.1, SAV-R.2009.2.7316, SAV-R. 2003.1.48
License: CC BY
CC BY 4.0 International
Tags: Arpad period Avars Bells Carolingian period Idiophones Metallic idiophones Muscial instruments Musicarchaeology Original sound Pellet bells Psychoacoustics Psychology of music Roman period
Countries: Hungary
Chronology: Early Middle Ages


Sound recordings of the Roman bells and the Early Middle Ages pellet bells from Vás County, Hungary, kept in the Savaria Museum Szombathely.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
FWF Austrian Science Fund Hertha-Firnberg-Programm T 1136-G Metallic idiophones between 800 BC and 800 AD in Central Europe


Pomberger, B. M.; Sánta, B.; Mühlhans, J.; Mpozgai, V. & Bajnóczi, B. (2021) Roman bells and the Migration Period pellet bells from Vas County. Savaria 43, 73-120.


File Description Size
Bell_Ikervar.MP3 Sound of original bell from Ikervár 0.1 MB
Bell_Iseum_Savaria_RK2003148.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK2003148 0.17 MB
Bell_Iseum_Savaria_RK200327316.MP3 Sound of original bell Iseum-Savaria RK200327316 0.22 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK543801.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK543801 0.29 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK5438013.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK5438013 0.24 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK543803.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK543803 0.21 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK543804.MP3 Ssound of original bell Savaria RK543804 0.14 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK543805.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK543805 0.25 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK543806.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK543806 0.19 MB
Bell_Savaria_RK5477131.MP3 Sound of original bell Savaria RK5477131 0.22 MB
Pellet_bell_Vasasszonyfa.MP3 Sound of original pellet bell Vasasszonyfa 0.14 MB
Pellet_bell_Vat_Bodon.MP3 Sound of original pellet bell Vát Bodon 0.12 MB