3D model of a cylindrical bead from Hauskirchen grave 8

DOI: https://doi.org/10.57756/jce898
  • Brodtmann Nikola
Publication date: 30 Jul 2024
Publisher: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW)
Collections: Prehistory
Instrument: Artec Space Spider
Resource type: Dataset
Specimen: NHMW-PRAE 81.196
License: CC BY-NC
CC BY-NC 4.0 International
Tags: 3d model 3dscan 3dscanning Bead Bitem Cylindrical Grave good Grave-8 Hauskirchen
Countries: Europe
Chronology: Prehistory


3D scan of a cylindrical bead made of lime from Hauskirchen grave 8. It measures 2.0 cm x 1.6 cm.


Agency Program Proj. Id Proj. Title
Austrian Academy of Sciences go!digital 3.0 GD3.0_2021-17_bITEM Beyond the Item: Biographies and Itineraries of Cultural Heritage Objects in Museums and beyond


File Description Size
NHMW-Prae-81196-RingMagnesia-lowres.mtl 3D model (.MTL) of a cylindrical bead 0 MB
NHMW-Prae-81196-RingMagnesia-lowres.obj 3D model (.OBJ) of a cylindrical bead 3.15 MB
NHMW-Prae-81196-RingMagnesia-lowres_1.png 3D model (.PNG) of a cylindrical bead 48.43 MB



Picture of 3D model of a cylindrical bead
Picture of 3D model of a cylindrical bead

Cylindrical bead (NHMW-PRAE 81.196)