CT Scan of the six-armed brittle star Ophiactis hex (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) – Supplementary material to Thuy et al. (2024): "Fossil evidence for the ancient link between clonal fragmentation, six-fold symmetry and an epizoic lifestyle in asterozoan echinoderms"
MicroCT scan of a the holoype (specimen SMNS 70508) of the new species Ophiactis hex Thuy et al., 2024 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiactidae) from the Nusplingen Quarry on top of Westerberg hill, Nusplingen, Germany; Nusplingen Lithographic Limestone (Nusplingen Formation), Beckeri Zone, Ulmense Subzone, late Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic.the in the collection of the Palaeontology Department, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart.
Usage Notes
System: YXLON FF35 CT at the NHM Vienna, Austria
Detector: Perkin Elmer Y.Panel 4343 CT
Detail scan:
Beam: FXE Transmission beam
Filter: 0.2 mm Copper
Scan Parameters: 45 kV, 110 µA, 2000 ms exposure time, 1x1 binning, 3600 projection images
Isotropic voxel size: 7.1 µm
Overview scan:
Beam: FXE Transmission beam
Filter: 0.2 mm Copper
Scan Parameters: 65 kV, 165 µA, 2000 ms exposure time, 1x1 binning, 1800 projection images
Isotropic voxel size: 13.1 µm
Thuy, B., Numberger-Thuy, L.D., Härer, J., Kroh, A., Winkler, V. & Schweigert, G. (submitted) Fossil evidence for the ancient link between clonal fragmentation, six-fold symmetry and an epizoic lifestyle in asterozoan echinoderms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
TIFF image stack of the detail microCT scan of Ophiactis hex (SMNS 70508)
9396.96 MB
Picture of the overview microCT scan of Ophiactis hex (SMNS 70508)Picture of the overview microCT scan of Ophiactis hex (SMNS 70508)Picture of the detail microCT scan of Ophiactis hex (SMNS 70508)Picture of the detail microCT scan of Ophiactis hex (SMNS 70508)